what did we do? 150 volunteers
planted 80 trees
painted 6 murals:

painted 2 maps on the playground:

painted 5 buildings and put in 3 new gardens:

and my favorite, installed our circle art project:

we gave each of our 412 students a wooden circle to paint, painted them blue on the back, sealed them with acrylic varnish, then attached them to the (ugly-suddenly-beautiful) chain-link fence. (loosely based on this project, which unfortunately hasn't made it this far south.) funded by a Lowe's Toolbox for Education Grant.
i could seriously do this for a living. so good. and come monday morning seeing the kids, teachers, birds, bugs all enjoying our labours - the biggest thank you ever.
(did i mention how great my neighbors are? the best. really. the. best. couldn't have done any of this without them.)
this is so cool tracy- what a wonderful project...totally inspiring!
and all this is exactly why you are where you are (like you didn't know that already).
Wow! Nice work!
80 trees.
and those circles are fabulous.
your neighbors are lucky to have you.
You and the work you are doing at the school is really very inspiring. We have decided to send our eldest to a local public school and the way you talk about it and how you are helping change things is beautiful. It has made the transition to school for me, rather than fretful, exciting. I am already dreaming of the possibilities. So thanks for writing about it.
WOW...and YAY! to you and your amazing community.
Soooo great Tracy.
You've made many people, and many hummingbirds, very happy :)
what an amazing effort! there's such heart in all of this. tracy, you are one hell of a mom. there's much to learn from you!
tracy, you have my brain spinning with ideas, we have GOT to get together!!! i am thinking of projects for our school AND camp fire, our council is in dire straights, it needs major work but there is no money to fix a thing. you are so right, it is up to us to save our public schools and grassroots organizations like camp fire.
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