we've been contemplating our options and struggling with something wall-mounted vs. a floor lamp. diy vs. readymade. i'd love a potence-style solution, or maybe something more organic.
all we know for sure is that it needs to be high enough to come over the shoulder. it is a tight corner, and the wall mounted option appeals in that sense, but i'm not convinced we want something else, aside from d's painting, on that wall.
ideas we are considering:

more lighting inspiration on pinterest
will let you know how we do!
*and so funny to look back at these (almost exactly 9 years old!) pictures and note how much (and how little) this corner has changed. new window. new paint. same beloved chair and little table d made all those years ago...
some lovely options - and if you want to free up that wall for more lighting, I'm happy to take the painting off your hands ;)
One thing I would say, as one with aging eyes and crappier and crappier close vision in dim light, whatever you get, make sure it can take a bright bulb. 48 year old eyes suck in dim light.
I love number one! But if wanting something that can be moved or adjusted, make sure it takes a bulb that you like. I'm really not a fan of halogens for reading and look forward to the day that we can replace our halogen floor lamp in the living room. Since it is currently lighting up my favourite place to read for someone else, it's not really a pressing problem...
Oh - good points! Thank you ladies xo
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