
Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Self-Portrait Tuesday - Personal History #1

me and he

This is a portrait of me and my brother. He is almost exactly 18 months my junior - minus 3 days. He is the one who most often has me falling off my chair with peals of laughter. He is generous. Kind. Exceptionally good with people. Adventurous. So much of our dad is in him.

Behind this picture - which I keep on the bookshelf built into our hallway - are books of short-stories by Canadian humourist / CBC regular / author Stuart Mclean. One of my dad's favorites. I think Vinyl Cafe Unplugged was one of the books he was reading when he died. It was in his backpack when my mom, brother and I were sorting through his things. Short days after he died at the hospital. Stuart Mclean can make me laugh almost as hard. I need that.

I was and am the "big sister". I never really realized what this meant until I watched it between my own two children. It is a strong role. Taken very seriously. Cautious. Bossy. But with the best intentions. There is so much to share. I think this photo shows that relationship quite clearly. And I hope that all that is my dad and my brother can be a little part of me and work to soften those strong, serious, bossy edges.

See more Self-Portraits here.


Kathleen said...

equally sweet picture and story.
you are right...the picture is very telling.
so nice.
glad i found you.

Mama D said...

That's the best picture Tracy! I wish I had more of those shots with my siblings. I'll have to settle for taking good ones of my kids.

Anonymous said...

I love Stuart McLean too! His stories, with all of the ups and downs of Morley and Dave, are great comfort reading, don't you think?