
Tuesday, February 10, 2009

oh schacht

down with colds and february malaise.

i was very excited to hear that california has stepped things up and is now (wait for it!) 47th in state per pupil spending for education. whooo hooo gov terminator! (you can add to those accolades that we are 49th in technology in our schools, and 49th in number of adults with a high school education!) wow. oh but wait. with the new proposed budget there would be $4 billion in cuts to education. alas our days in 47th place may numbered. 48th place, i guess we miss you. be back soon...

i hope i don't sound bitter. it has been that kind of week. (and it is only tuesday.)

on an up note. it has been raining. which makes me happy.

and i found this on the sidewalk the other day.

schacht table loom

yes. it is a schacht table loom. good stuff. will be taking my agressions out on heddles and stick shuttles before you know it...


Mama Urchin said...

seriously, on the sidewalk? and it's usable? lucky you even if you are having a crummy week

melissa f. said...

they are discussing further shortening of the school year this spring. awesome! we're number 1 on the short list already!

happy rain, tracy.

Anonymous said...

what do you mean, on the sidewalk?!

in someone's trash?!


MWM said...


but....finding a loom on the sidewalk is the find of a century.
it looks like you've got it all ready to go already too!

Anonymous said...

that loom is to die for!! i am so hopeful your friend sam moves into our neighborhood!!!


Anonymous said...

truly? wow, what a great treasure to find - I bought a used one at a tag sale about 15 years ago and thought that was special