The wall of our bedroom. With original wallpaper (circa 1955) - found under more recent wallpaper (circa 1976) and an assortment of paintings by D done while living in Long Beach (circa 1989).
Once the bathroom is finished. This room will follow. Not sure what we will do with this wall. The paper is in bad shape and cannot be salvaged. Not sure I would want to anyway - though visitors often oooh and ahhh over it. Perhaps because they don't have to sleep with it every night! We may wallpaper again. Something like this perhaps? Definitely out of our price range... Or this in cream? Doubt I can talk D into it... Solar powered wallpaper?? I think D would prefer something more natural. I know that he has mentioned kirei board... A-ha! This in shower on grasscloth is it!... Maybe. Will let you know what happens...
More corners here.
Again, this reminds me of my in-laws more recent home. (early 70's) I swear it was the Brady Bunch house...
I like the pattern of the original paper, but I can see that a whole wall might be overwhelming! I like the twenty2 paper best. All are lovely though. My husband likes that kirei board, too. Although in our house, it's just called "that wood-looking stuff" because we can't ever remember the name.
i scraped 8 layers of wallpaper off our living room walls-- none as exciting as that though. One day-- when our walls start looking sketchy and worn-- I may just go ahead and hang some for old times sake.
i guess i'm one of those visitors that would ooh and aaahhh...it looks just like some of the fabric my grandmother just gave me.
but i can see how you wouldn't be the most soothing bedroom atmosphere.
LOVE twenty2 wallpaper!
ahhh thinking of long beach...missing my turquoise apartment on apple, the sound of the race cars toughing it out in the summer, walking four blocks to fly my kite on the beach, and the little mexican bakery around the corner...
those photos of your current wallpaper make me want to come over and take a look.
You are so good at remembering Corners on Thursdays. I enjoy a peek into your interesting home. Yes, I do like that pattern but can see how a whole room would be jarring. Perhaps you can salvage a little square - enough to frame or use somewhere else as a little decorative element.
oooh...aaahhh. ok, i had to. but it is lovely, this little piece. maybe not so much a whole room. have you ever checked out straw sticks and bricks? they have quite a selection of natural materials too. thanks for the peek.
thanks all! our house is such a big part of our life right now. the blog seems a natural way for me to chronicle it all... corner thursdays are a nice fit. (thanks amanda!!)
have you used the kirei board amy? curious how it looks in 'real life'...
i knew i'd get some ooohs and ahhhs. i oooh'd and ahhh'd to when i first saw it. would be so happy if i could fine some fabric close to it for the bed's duvet cover/quilt... a kind of homage...
d misses the southbay too two trees. he actually lived in san pedro but went to school in long beach...
will check out straw sticks and bricks now - thanks for the tip hannah!
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