i take that back. the new spell-check is much improved. (god knows i need a good spell-check) and you can now "label" posts by category. is this useful? and it also seems to have messed up my bloglines feeds.
and we have chosen to stay with our neighborhood school. but are switching teachers. i am not looking forward to another transition but know that the change is for the best. (interestingly, i found out yesterday that e's current teacher has a degree in theatre, then received her teaching credential through the lausd internship program - a response to the teacher shortage in the region. i think that this explains why i like her so much, but feel that she is lacking in certain background skills. an interesting article on this can be found here.)

and very (v e r y !) excited that our neighborhood is to be part of this tour! there will be tours of some of the homes. (we declined the invitation as we are still in such a state of "progress"!) we have been talking about trying to get hpoz status and hope that this will get the ball rolling. if you live in the area hope you can make it to the tour! the buzz is that krisel of palmer & krisel, the architects of our development, will be in attendance. (probably not that exciting for 99.9% of you but quite a thrill for us - mid-century modern architecture nerds that we are...)
and speaking of neighborhood, have you checked out / joined this flickr group. fantastic idea i think. thanks 62cherry!
hope you are having a great week
Aha! That might explain why bloglines is having fits with your site! lol
But you can't hide, I found your new post anyways!
Glad you were able to work out the school issue while still supporting the local school...and your explanation about the current teacher makes a lot of sense. If they would just pay teachers what they were worth, we'd have less shortages, but then again, I'm preaching to the choir!
thanks! and WELCOME!! :)
hi tracy!
yes, do tell me if you think it's worth the switch to beta.
love the neighborhood flickr group. thanks for the link. also,i'm happy to hear that you were able to switch teachers.
take good care! shari
Glad you've made a decision you're happy with and now the big bug can settle in! I look forward to your reviews of both blogger beta and the simple living book. Doesn't it seem ridiculous at some level that we need books on this topic? And yet...!
Have fun with the tour! Our neighborhood of mid-century houses just did one of those, too. They had the architect there that designed most of the houses around here. I wasn't able to go -- you should go to yours!
your switch to beta must have messed up my bloglines, I didn't get any posts from you until now...(its telling me you have 26 new posts!) anyway....so glad to hear about your school decisions. sounds like a good solution...but still sad that the original teacher still doesn't have the tools she needs to be successful, you know?
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