6 weird things about me. sounds easy enough...
the rules as from zoe are as follows:
People who get tagged need to write a blog post of 6 weird things about them as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says "you are tagged" in their comments and tell them to read your blog.
right, here goes...
1. i must make sure that the ikea plastic dishes, bowls and cups used by the girls are always stacked in the following order: orange orange blue blue green green yellow yellow.
2. i get quite excited when a letter arrives in the post and the stamp has not been cancelled. i carefully cut it out and save it to reuse. (if it is from canada i mail it to my mom - who i picked up this habit from.)
3. we don't have cable. or tivo. just our local channels that we pick-up via a cumbersome set of rabbit ears d purchased when he realized we received no channels without them. this may not be that weird. people in l.a. are generally pretty shocked by it though. i do miss pbs.
4. i can't stand the taste of ketchup. except on fish sticks. and i love old dutch ketchup flavoured chips. but don't eat them anymore because they contain msg...
5. i love tomato aspic
6. whenever anyone in our little family says "hey" someone else inevitably replies "you've got to hide your love away." we are all weird in that way.
this was more difficult than i thought.
instead of tagging, i'll leave it up to you. any takers?
have a lovely weekend.
i do the same thing w/"hey - you've got to hide your love away" but no one else in my family does it :(
Hi there!!
Several things- I love your sweater; is it made or bought?
Second, your PBS comment shocked me. I am 100% rabbit eared at home in LA county and get 3 PBS stations in with perfect clarity. If you only receive channels 2-13 then you need to change your tv setting from cable to antenna [under signal] then you can get KCET on 28 and KLCS on 58. I also pick up the OC PBS. If that doesn't work, run your TV through your DVD player and you should be able to change the signal settings through that set up function, but you have to keep your DVD player on when you watch TV. You will also be PAX, Univision, and other great channels for free. :)
um... I should have just sent this via email, but let me know if you have any problems w/ set up.
You know what? I don't think any of us are weird...I love that you order the ikea bowls. I do things like that too ;).
thanks hayley. alas the sweather was bought. yrs ago. can't remember from where...
and as for the tv reception - a great big thank you! - will be trying this right away!! xo
Hi there, Tracy!
(You're not that weird...)
hey there cute lady!
we have rabbit ears too. i really miss pbs as well as knowledge network . my husband downloads a ton of stuff for me. right now i'm slogging through 6 dvds full of midsomer murders. full on quaint british village murder mysteries. i love it.
dont know if my comment is going to go twice....i love your polka dot shirt! (i love it enough to say it 2 times!)
Our Ikea plasticware is stacked too, but it goes green, yellow, orange, red, blue, dark blue.
Obsessive, me? Naaah. Not very ;)
oh, i know how it is with the song lyrics. and they're always real obscure ones, too...
hello! it's so nice to SEE you! in those cute polka dots.
also glad to know that haley schooled you on te PBS how to. we have an old black and white upstairs w/ a hanger [not even rabbit ears] and we can get it! what are we going to do when they cancel the analog signal??
and i can relate to the color coordination of [insert your choice of object here]. you should see my stack of "dog" towels in the laundry room.....
Hi Tracy Polka Dot ;o)
Lovely to see you!
hi tracy!
love this portrait. :) we have rabbit ears too. we haven't had cable in so many years. it's pretty funny when our friends make references to commercials and cable shows that we've never seen. xoxo shari
Oh my, I put the Ikea dishes in order too, along w/ anything else that has rainbow colors, except mine go top to bottom : pink, orange, yellow, green, teal, blue. I have the old Ikea sets.
As for TV, we don't pull in any stations what so ever.
Weird is relative.
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